What does a down arrow really represent?

With these uncertain times, how uncertain are they? Or are we looking at the glass being half full!

My eyes always see opportunity, no matter where we stand. Whether it’s on the way UP, TIPPING or Leveling off heck even if its on the way down!

There is ALWAYS opportunity! SO, why all the down arrows? When searching for Real Estate or evaluating markets the things I look for are arrows, days on market a.k.a. DOM, location, condition and quantity!

Buyers ALWAYS rule the markets all markets – right? RIGHT. Imagine not having a buyer to sell your home to?

Exactly, why the down arrows, the market is for sure shifting, it is on the way down and no that does not mean you are going to lose your shirt because in Real Estate we all know this is a long term investment vehicle – you should visit the case-schiller chart its amazing and accurate.

What goes up MUST come down! Did you learn that in 3rd grade? However hold onto it long enough and you will see that it will rebound, and generally creates a higher peak than where it last left off.

SO, Arrow down means opportunity! Buy LOW sell HIGH – basic economics. WHY is this downturn different than 2008, because we have many moving parts that we did not have in 2008.

We have fear, wars, pandemics and inflation to name just a few. Let’s not forget interest rates! While we ALL feel the hit on gas, food and cost of living we do not all make the same income. Clearly some will feel it alot harder than others but this is the way of life.

Opportunity awaits for people who have cash, can afford the higher rates and are frugal with their money. Real Estate will certainly rebound all the time and the short answer is WE ALL NEED A HOME TO LIVE IN, so whether you rent or buy, we all need that roof.

I look at the down as an opportunity to help people move, sell their homes or refinance their ARM – ADUJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGES into fixed ones – NOW IS THE TIME –

WHY the gloomy faces? People thought / think the Real Estate market goes only up (they are not wrong however it also comes down) ..when I am asked when should I sell my home, I simply say WHEN you have the need to sell it! GREED usually replies ” what if I wait then sell when the market goes high, if I sell in the down I will lose” I have stories to tell you my friends. Selling your home has to be driven by a Reason to sell not money, its either financial or safety. You can wait assuming you can wait, and see what happens or you can sell now and gather your proceeds and buy on the down…bank the rest. If you sell on the beginning of the dip, hold and buy on the bottom you will be GOLDEN.

If you wait, who knows what will happen and honestly I have had clients who turned down 7.2M ended up with 5.4M , or had 4.7M and ended up with NOTHING – so drop the emotions and make decisions based on the need not the market, not the money – YOUR LIFE DESIRE.

Keep your eyes on the DOWN ARROWS!

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