Putting the REAL into REAL ESTATE !

When I started selling Real Estate, or rather when I first got licensed I could not believe the amount of caddy, crazy people that are in this business. WAIT! Let me rephrase that – GREEDY – NASTY and down right SNEAKY.

As a Highly Sensitive Person, I was uncomfortable, I felt as if I would NEVER make it. How can I walk amongst these people? I was mortified. The stories I would hear, the lies being told during showings, the secrets of the developers, the real ugly things that give this business the bottom feeder ratings it deserves. After all I think Real Estate “advisors” , Sales agents and Brokers were ranked the least trust worthy people in business .. NOW – HOW could I be a part of that!!!

My inquisitive self said , self there has got to be some good in all this bad because I am always optimistic and I always find the cup is half full never half emtpy; unless its a glass of wine and its mine, then maybe empty…waiting for a refill.

Being this need to know, has to be accurate, rule follower person, who suffered from procrastination, perfectionism and OMGGG a super strong GUT – I asked WHY the need to lie?

I would come home feeling defeated – I would say ” that’s it its not for me” , there is NO way, I do not have a poker face, I can’t spin a story and I for sure 100% refuse to lie. I guess I will NEVER EVER SELL ANYTHING 😦

Low and behold – decades later I not only SELL Real Estate, I continue to attract like minded individuals and the universe is yielding this way – FINALLY – people are no longer out of touch. The Gap is closing.

For the most part – Real Estate has many happy endings, then there are the horror stories. Trust me there are plenty horror stories.

How does a Highly Sensitive Real Estate Agent survive? By being your innate amazing self that is how, by creating magnetic marketing and attracting ONLY people who want true transparency and NOT a fairy tale. By never ever giving up on who you are and by harnessing your super powers.

So, its been 15 years since those dreadful days, now I work for my self. Not only did I overcome fear, not only did I NOT succumb to telling stories NOT only did I tell it like it is, I remained true to my inner core. It has served me well through the years. I do not work with everyone, nor do I take on everything. I say NO.

Especially when we are not aligned because I learned that when you are on opposite ends you will never meet – so, never chase the money – chase the relationships, the lives you will change and the inner guidance you have. Listen closely to its quiet tug, it knows.

So the next time you feel like you are NOT going to make it, or that you need to lie or that someone is telling you a limiting belief SMASH it like the mole game at the carnival and YOU will overcome the snake pits, the lies, the constant duck and weave – people, people like you will gravitate to you and the universe will yield.

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