Where to find peace, tranquility , and serenity ?

Everyone at some point in their lives is on a quest for one or all of the above . Each one of these heavily sought after feelings are found within. However we are always seeking them outside of us, where we live, work, vacation etc.

It is at times easier to change where you are rather than who you are.

These very important ingredients make for a happier and more fulfilled life and to me are very similar to the serenity prayer of wisdom, acceptance and change.

That too comes from within. Being creatures of habit, change is always found to be difficult and we are always taught that knowing the devil at hand is easier than trying a new one or meeting a new one and we remain dormant. 

They say, success comes from failure, and change is a necessary ingredient when you are trying to succeed or remain successful. No one can give you that, that comes from within!

So everyday try on something new , if peace is what you seek find out why you are not at peace, if you need tranquility – evaluate where you are and make some adjustments, serenity – find an environment that offers a serene setting so when you are visually soaking it up you get to escape.

Accept where you are, you are where you were meant to be ( especially if you are not doing anything to change that) then where else would you be ? Wisdom comes with experience and intuition and vision – learn from others as you can’t possibly make all the mistakes on your own, people are great instructors let them lead you, or teach you . 

Change , start by taking 1 thing that you don’t do and do it. Even if it’s writing a blog or newsletter , making a call you don’t want to make, the only person that can change things in your life is YOU.

So you hate your job, can’t stand your tiny apartment , have no money, and you are not sure where to go or what to do …. Start with you, no one else has the answers but you, it may be time to  change your job for something that fulfills you , or a simple change in your environment and perhaps a move to a whole new place ! BUT remember YOU are the only constant in YOUR life and YOU are  stuck with YOU since all these ingredients have to be incorporated or modified by YOU , don’t forget to look inside before you change your outside !

Go … Don’t be afraid … Make that change !

What do you have to lose ?

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